- howardm82
"So, What Are Y'all?" (A Few Asked Questions..)
The number one question the last few days has been some form of, "What do y'all do?" It makes me smile with great understanding. When we say we are a Social Crafthouse, that doesn't really help either.
"So, y'all just paint stuff?" We currently have 9 craft projects designed for guests. Two of those are painting canvases. You can just totally free-paint or perhaps you want to look through our stencils and design the perfect painting subjects.
"What is with all of the tools on the tables?" We have all of the tools you need to complete any of our projects. We have hammers for string art and leather tooling. We have a wide variety of paint brushes for painting large pieces of wood or the small details on our precision-cut wood crafts.
"Do we all work on the same craft while you teach it?" All of the projects come with complete instructions and we are developing videos that you can use to help you each step of the way. We are also in the room should you need any additional support. Together we have over 40 years of teaching experience, so we're good with helping guests.
Do you have your own questions? Come on down and check us out and ask us. We're friendly and we don't bite. Have a great Christmas season and we hope to meet y'all in the near future.
Weekly Hours
Thurs-Fri: 1p-8p
Sat: 11a-5p